Donald Trump Asks What The “T” On Mike Pence’s Cross Necklace Stands For


President Donald Trump may be a “baby Christian” in the words of evangelical leader James Dobson, but it appears the president has much more to learn about the Christian faith.

According to a White House staffer, the president flummoxed Vice President Mike Pence this afternoon by asking what the “T” on his necklace stood for.

“The vice president just kind of stared at the president for a moment,” said the staffer, who insisted on anonymity. “At first, everyone in the room thought it was a joke, but then the president asked if it stood for Pence’s alma mater or something.”

Another White House aide who happened to be in the room commented that Mr. Pence casually laughed off the comment.

“What else could he do? It was a total ‘What the fuck?’ moment,” the aide said. “Like, how does someone get to be 71 years old and not know what a cross is?”

The comment seems to suggest that President Trump’s efforts at courting evangelical voters throughout the 2016 election were superficial, but his son, Eric Trump, when asked for a comment, was eager to disagree.

“My father has been a devout Christian his entire life, I can assure you,” Eric Trump said. “And, clearly Jesus has rewarded my father for his faith. I mean, think about it—I’m third generation rich. You can’t get more blessed than that.”

President Trump was mocked for his apparent lack of familiarity with the Bible before his election, having called the Bible verse he was citing in a Liberty University speech “two Corinthians” instead of “Second Corinthians,” and a recent tweet Trump posted briefly last week further inspired the Internet’s skepticism of his Christian credibility:

“This is a WITCH HUNT. The Democrats can try to burn me at the stake, but I consider it a compliment that they’re going after me like Jesus,” he tweeted.

The tweet was deleted a half hour later, but a screengrab persevered it for eternity.

(Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore.)

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