Rudy Giuliani: “Trump Is 100% Innocent… But If He Ever Turns On Me I’ll Rat”

(Picture courtesy of Gage Skidmore.)

Washington D.C.—

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani today published a Twitter thread responding to claims that President Donald Trump might throw him under the bus by accusing him of going rogue and doing all the quid pro quo extortion of Ukraine’s President Zelensky without the knowledge of the White House.

The following are Mr. Giuliani’s tweets:

“President Donald Trump is 100% innocent. He’s the cleanest president I’ve ever seen. And he’d never turn on me like some in the Fake News are suggesting, I promise you that… Because I have so much dirt on him and so many receipts that it would make his head spin. But, again, Trump is not guilty whatsoever so nothing to worry about.”

“All this Russia stuff is entirely a hoax. We’re just a couple of straight shooter guys who have never broken a law in our lives, and we’re incredibly close. He’s not a rat, and I’m not a rat, but we have a bit of a mutually assured destruction kind of thing. You hear that Donald? But again, all this is hypothetical, cause no collusion, no extortion, and no quid pro quo.”

“I can’t get in to too many details because of client-attorney privilege and executive privilege, but take my word for it that President Donald Trump has never lied about anything in the world. And he’s a very smart guy, so I know for a fact that the President knows better than to ever throw me under any buses to try and protect himself from impeachment. Cause the second he tries, I’ll hit him with ten buses of my own.”

“However, I cannot emphasize enough that there has never been any criminal wrongdoing from either of us. Though if I ever have to go to jail, let me tell you that the President will spend much, much longer in prison. But it will never have to come to that because we’re both 1,000% innocent…but the President better never forget that I’m a little more innocent.”

From The Halfway Post vault:

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