Lindsey Graham Wore A “Trump Can Grab This Pussy” Shirt To The SOTU

Washington D.C.—

Senator Lindsey Graham stirred controversy at President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech with his choice to make a bold fashion statement.

Mr. Graham attended the speech in a bright teal tank top with the words “Trump Can Grab This Pussy” written on it accompanied by several arrows pointing downward.

The Halfway Post reached out to Graham in a quick phone call:

“It’s a free country, I can wear what I want,” said Graham. “And I can promise you this has nothing to do with the alleged rumors that Trump is holding some kind of blackmail over my head. This is 100% my choice. I love this tank top. It’s what I wear when I’m cleaning in my apartment to remind myself of how much cleaning up in our country Trump is doing.”

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